Cleaning Up

I whiled away the minutes this morning by cleaning various parts of my garage.  It was a very random selection process.

What’s in this box?

Whatever caught my fancy this morning is what I decided to clean up, throw out, or organize.  This all in preparation for full-time RV living.  I have a little over six years to go so there is no rush.  I just do little bits at a time when I have time.  Today’s mission was books.  We have tons of books left over from homeschooling our children.  We picked a few favorite books and set them aside.  I think this process is harder for the parents than for the children.  There were a few books that our daughter wanted to keep for the sake of that nebulous concept of “her children.”

The kids have long since stopped reading the books and playing with the toys, so why is it so hard to throw that stuff out?  It’s hard to let go of  what has taken up most of your life. It’s hard to let got of the memory of who your children were when they were young and looked up to you for everything.  But they grow up and you have to let them.  Which means you stop holding onto those things which still makes them small children in your eyes.  You have to let them become adults.  This is the goal anyway…

So now, off to the library to donate books!

3 thoughts on “Cleaning Up

  1. Melanie Hopkins

    Yep. Our boys could care less, but We are keeping our favorite toys that they used to love…for…our future grandchildren? 🤷‍♀️

      1. Melanie Hopkins

        Both our and Paula’s (that just made me burst into tears) went to the Christian homeschool groups. Lots of toys to younger cousins (10 years ago) and even more to the young church family who rents across the street. James and Thomas have both expressed they would rather someone enjoy their old toys.

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